As Eid was approaching, we planned to clean the pantry before the Eid day. I found a bottle full of rose syrup ( my younger one, she loves indulging into chilled rose sharbat to deal with the notorious summer noon, so she won't allow the rose syrup to go out of stock ) and a can of rose petal jam (Gulkand). Gulkand or rose petal jam is a sweet Indian delicacy. It is easy to prepare and is listed under the best Ayurvedic medicines for its enormous health benefits. Consuming 1 - 2 teaspoons of gulkand helps to reduce acidity and stomach heat. It is an ideal ingredient to beat the summer heat. Having all these ingredients in my hand, the immediate recipe that came in my mind was Rose pistachio rice pudding .

Rose Pistachio rice pudding is a perfect fusion of taste and aroma, which can be made without putting in much efforts. Amaze your guests and earn the overwhelmed reaction instantly witnessed on their faces. It can be served in summer dinner parties or to make any occasion special. Beautifully garnished with rose syrup and some pitachio nuts , the pudding was hit as we celebrated Eid ul Adha. I had to literraly save some for me , so I could relish it the next day !!